Well, I've been back from my holidays for a week now and it's time to share some of my recent "Oh wow, this is great!" finds...
No one has ever accused me of lacking rhythm on this blog, but it would have been fair to do so... Well in the name of rhythm I give you these upstanding gentlemen (except the drummer, who is sitting): Moon Hooch! Who apparently not only rock, but also rock the NYC subway:
There is a number of videos featuring this awesome trio (Mike Wilbur and Wenzl McGowen on tenor saxophones, and James Muschler on the drums) on youtube... So you can look them up there, you can go to their bandsite page (
here), which has 8 tracks you can listen to or download, and you can friend them on facebook (
And now for something completely different... Or is it?
Some of you may already suspect I have deviant tendencies... Well you're right! I am a proud lover of webcomics! And I stumbled upon these two strips yesterday as I was daydreaming about having Charlie Brown/Snoopy, Calvin/Hobbes, Jon Arbuckle/Garfield interacting in a post apocalyptic environment and having a look to see if it had already been done... Anyways, net snooping following it's own paths, I remembered finding a plethora of Calvin as an adult fanart, and wondered if I could find any for Charlie Brown (the answer: not really, but there's a nice set of animeified peanuts characters floating around)... But there where two fanart Calvin strips I hadn't seen from a brother duo Tom (the artist) and Dan (the writer) who form
"Pants Are Overrated", which is chock full of a chaotic mess of geeky humor; and in some ways is a lot like what Penny Arcade used to be (for the webcomic literate).
Enough preamble!
Here are the two strips that caught my (and everyone else's) eye (and aren't entirely representative of their usual style, as they humorously point out in their first strip following these two):
Hold control and click on the thumbnail
or wheel click on it to view it! |
Hold control and click on the thumbnail | | | | or wheel click on it to view it! |