Sunday, April 18, 2010

Video - Doll face (cyberpunk short)

This is a beautiful and depressing CGI short (4.13mn) created by Andy Huang. It's about... I'll let you find out for yourself.


  1. very creepy, fascinating, reminds me of Tool- the band

  2. I have a friend who did artwork for one of their concert posters...
    I don't know their music well enough to comment, but I'll take your word on it.
    As admonitions go, I think this piece is exceptionally harsh, don't you think?

  3. Ah, that was interesting. It reminds me of a computer game I used to play long time ago called Obsidian.;)
    Thank you so much for your visit and for finding that spelling typo; I make tons of those.;)

  4. Heya Zuzana, thanks for dropping by. I didn't know that game. I'll look it up, it looks like fun.
    Don't mention it, I deleted the comment that pointed it out. I'm glad you don't mind. Yeah, typos... One of the few things we all have in common. Cheers.
