Saturday, July 24, 2010

Art - Andrew Lipson & Daniel Shiu recreate Escher with... Legos!

M.C. Escher was one of my first loves in terms of art... I would daydream about wandering in his worlds the way Alice wandered in wonderland. Nostalgia set aside, these two fellows, Andrw Lipson and Daniel Shiu recreated some of his more famous pieces in legos (with variable levels of success)! Check it out (website is here)!
I've posted all the Escher construction they've done so far, but there are other neat mathematical sculpture and pieces of lego engineering that worth a looksee... Oh and a couple dilbert statues if you're into that sort of thing. : j




Ascending & Descending 


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Photos - Peter Menzel and Faith D'Aluisio "Hungry planet"

Heya folks, today I'd like to share with you an amazing couple: Peter Menzel and Faith D'Aluisio.

They have an impressive CV and have won a passel of awards and are all around interesting (check out their bios here). I first heard of them reading the Times that did a piece (three parts no less! Part1, Part 2, Part3) on their book called "Hungry planet: what the world eats". You might want to check the photo gallery that has series of pictures on themes like Food, travel, technology, water, death, and many others... They're totally worth it!
These are people that have something to say, I think that they're quite eloquent... I suspect you'll agree.

All of the following pictures are from part 1 of the Times photo album: