Thursday, February 16, 2012

Video - Apocalypse later, surf now

I love the idea and the feeling in this video.
The idea that things of global magnitude can occur and be almost irrelevant on a personal scale.

There is something grandly self absorbed in saying "Screw you" to the end of the world.
"I was surfing yesterday, I'll surf today, and tomorrow I die with a smile".

Keef70's youtube channel.


  1. Interesting! Friggin interesting. I would love to be so passionate about something I do that nothing could sway me from it. Makes me wonder if I have such a passion. I guess in the asking, the answers is obviously "no". But such things can be changed.

  2. That was such a cool video. It makes sense, in some ways...why stop living to die?

    (and a p.s. on your blog comment...the title is going to change. ;) )

  3. Heya Annie, I'm not sure passion is the key to this specific kind of "tunnel living"... Though of course the very idea that we're riffing off of stems from my interpretation/imagined backstory, perhaps the creator didn't have that in mind. I read all your posts, I know you feel things strongly, and I doubt that you would care any less or feel any less if you knew the world would end tomorrow. And questioning one's self, and one's emotions doesn't take anything away from one's self or emotions... If anything it validates them with reason, however, I think that people who do so find it harder to enjoy themselves, to let themselves go. In a away I always feel a bit sad and happy at the same time for people who are borderline reckless on an existential level. I reckon we all walk our own paths. : j
    Heya Lydia. Yeah in some ways... Some selfish, irresponsible, self centered ways. But taken to such a swaggering extreme that you just have to shake your head, grin and get on with the business of dealing with the apocalypse. "You all surf your hearts out, meanwhile I'll try to find a way to protect the people I care about and to survive". ; D
    (re blog comment. I really meant what I said about your tech. I've read a LOT of scifi, and believability characterizes the best scifi tech. Like Gibson's cyber tech, Asimov's psychohistory, Neal Stephenson's nanotech... Stuff you wouldn't be surprised to see, or if it's far out, stuff that works and plays an integral part in the story-verse you've created.)

  4. He he he, I can totally relate: that's me during election time... ^_^

    I share Alesa's interpretation on this one; to me it's not so much about being so passionate about something it trumps anything else no matter how huge, it's more about having gotten your mind rid of any useless consideration (anything you can't have any influence upon - that includes the end of the world - falls into this category), therefore being able to fully enjoy what actually IS relevant to you, now. Like surfing. Or art. Or just watching one particular blade of grass trembling in the wind in an unusual and somewhat aesthetically pleasing way.

  5. Ha, that comment is so you.
    And so in keeping with bushido. : j
