Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Video - Ads of awesomeness

One or two people have asked me where I come up with the stuff I post, which was why I was going to post a list of some of the places where I hang out online (ie check daily). But going through my daily ritual of combing through my list of sites, I found two neat ads that I figured I would share with y'all immediately. So I reckon the link post will occur some time in the future.

In a regular sleepy town somewhere in Belgium, Turner decided to do the following:

via geeks are sexy

Check out Casey Neistat's(the creator) youtube channel, he has some other neat vids!


  1. Cool videos. I love the TNT drama. OMG! How weird would that be. And those people just stand there covering their ears when gunfire breaks out???? Sheesh! I think I'd at least hit the deck if not get the hell outta there. I've got insomnia tonight. This was something interesting in an otherwise long boring night!!!!

  2. Oh my gosh! That first video is awesome! I love the girl who just leaned against the button box the whole time. The guy on the bike was just like "What the heck is going on here?" It just kept getting better and better! The random chick in a bikini, on a motorcycle? Genius! And then, when I thought it was over, a bunch of football players run out of a building! That was AWESOME!

  3. Boy, what a waste of airplane fuel. And forgetting to eat in Thailand? Exactly how does one do that? But snarkiness aside, was a fun whirlwind around the world. And the drama one was great. I think I'd like an "add soundtrack" button.

  4. Aha, Annie. Sorry to hear that you too belong to the select club sleep deprived.
    Perhaps, due to the circumstance, none of it seems real to them? Also, freezing up when exposed to fire for the first time is a fairly common reaction. : p
    For me the scariest part was when the penguins disguised as football players turn up... How creepy was that?! : D
    Heya Heidi! Wouldn't it have been a nice touch if it ended on a shot of one of the people who pushed the button the first time pushing it again, just to see what happens. : D
    I'm betting he prolly had phat thai, but did so off camera.... Something has to power all that running.
    : j
    I'll bet you would, like a soundtrack button... Just make sure the genie who gives it to you doesn't have a wicked sense of humor, or else you might wind up a with a 70 sitcom soundtrack complete with laughtrack! : p

  5. I opened this on Safari and Chrome, but couldn't get the videos to show. I'm bummed!

  6. As soon as I left the comment, the videos showed up. That first was one was so funny. Very clever. The second one--what a way to spend 10 days!

  7. I'll vote for whichever candidate commits to have such buttons installed in every town and city when elected president. :)

  8. Aloha Theresa! I wonder if he actually spent ten days that way... Or it's just the script for the short. It would be kinda too bad to go to all those places and not really experience any of them. : p
    Hey R! Nice to see ya! I drove by your home town on my last road trip! : D

  9. Did you? :)
    I wasn't aware you'd been that far east!
    I'm sorry to say there ain't much left to see there though, save perhaps the black, dungeon-like fortified cathedral (I just dig it :Þ ).
    Most of the picturesque has been washed out by the obnoxious modern tendency towards all-out tourist-friendliness (read: turning what was a perfectly good place into Miami-beach-meets-Disneyland).

    By the way, is that cellphone number you called me with last time we met still valid? I recently tried to reach you, without success...

  10. The TNT Drama really caught me by surprise! I didn’t know exactly what was happening either, just like the people who were actually there. It’s pretty amusing and scary at the same time. I think the emotional impact of the ads and how it is greatly different from other commercials makes people remember the brand.

    Jim Chabris
