Monday, April 18, 2011

Video - "Google Exodus"

This video has been making the rounds... I think it's pretty sharply done! : j
Happy passover to those who celebrate it.

(It's best in full screen mode)


  1. So Cool! Funny to think all we do now is click click click and send. Back then everything was transcribed and hand carried. Goodness!!! I can't even handle it when my modem is slow!

  2. Hilarious!! I don't even want to know what the shipping costs are on Amazon for that many frogs. I hope they got super saver shipping, because if not? Oooof.

  3. Heya Annie! And in the back ground the nasal echo of Bob Dylan singing that the times they are a changing. : j I know what you mean, but I'm still more impressed with hot water and food supply. Imagine having to cart your water from a well, heat over a wood burning fire (wood someone had to cut down and chop), just to have bath? Or growing and hunting one's own food? The luxury we live in boggles my mind. : j
    Aloha Tracy! LoL! Now you've done it! I had to go see if there was any way of finding out what the shipping costs would be if amazon shipped live animals... To no avail (not that I did a very intensive search). I did discover that there is such a thing as frogaroni. Pasta made from real frogs... Erm shaped to look like cartoon frogs. ; j

  4. That is excellent. When the first born group dwindled to 1, I laughed out loud. My son wanted to know why, but I didn't tell him. He's first born. Didn't want him to worry.
