Friday, February 11, 2011

Video - "Eye of the storm" by Lovett

Ben Lovett is a man of many skills... I first encountered him in through the music he composed for a nifty psycho-horror film called the signal. Well, here he is again with a steam-punky animation music video:

His website.

His online radio, check out some of his work!


  1. I love steampunk! Thanks for sharing him with us! :)

  2. Thanks for sharing and enjoyed the video.

  3. Love the video and the music. Now I'm checking out pieces on iTunes.

  4. I've no time, no time...but I'm excited. I'll be back to give this video due time. I love already the round luminous eyes!

  5. Tünaydin, Carolyn! Glad you liked it! : j
    Djin dobry, J.A.! Thank you for posting about japan, I don't usually have anything pertinent to comment but I often get a bit nostalgic reading your posts. For instance, my father was from Sapporo and went to the Snowfes every year. : j
    Konnichiwa, Kass! Nice to read you! Aye, I reckon that them there are two things that can characterize a good short... (said in my best redneck accent (which isn't very good))
    Tzohora'im tovim, Theresa! I found that his music is really quite varied, some of it is a bit too movie musicish for my liking, but some of teh other pieces struck my fancy! : j
    Aloha Annie! Thanks for dropping in even though you were pressed for time. : j

  6. Thanks to you know, I've now spent over $20 on iTunes!

  7. Wow, I don't know whether to say congratulations or to apologize. : j I congratogise to you.
