Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Photos - Jordan Matter's "Dancers among us" series

This recently came up on my modern MET. It reminded me that I had forgotten to put this photographer up here.
So if you haven't seen this series yet, you might want to. Here's a direct link to the Dancers among us galleries, there are others galleries on his site that are very much worth taking a look at.
Here is some of what you can expect to see:


  1. woah. Awesome photos. I wish I could do that...:)

  2. You can! The results might not be AS impressive, but there is beauty in the human body and its expression.
    I think that here, while clearly we have the overt beauty of intensively trained dancers, what we're seeing is also for a large part due to the photographer's talent.

  3. Oh to move like that! I'm not sure what I'd do if I saw that in the street though.

  4. Hmm, I'm not sure I know what you mean... What's there not to know? So many possibilities!

    Applaud? Cheer and laugh? Take a picture? Invite for coffee and interview? Imitate?
    The possibilities are endless!

  5. I agree with you, Alesa. We all have some capacity to move. The goal is to get out there and do it!

  6. Yep! Exactly!

    And should a professional photographer be there to capture us in the midst of beauty, part of the credit would be ours as well. : j

    (Not to take anything from lifelong professional dancers, I respect their hard work, dedication, and training.)

  7. Dancer have the most beautiful bodies. Total jealousy here.

  8. Hello Lydia.
    Martial artists and gymnasts are right up there with dancers as far as beautiful bodies go... though with martial artists, it depends on the style, some styles produce chunky graceless beefy bodies, or bodies that are merely athletic without being graceful.
    I always like to differentiate grace and agility, while there is beauty in both, grace tends to be conveyed better in pictures than agility. Perhaps because one is being and the other is doing... A still frame from being is representative of the whole, whilst a still frame of doing is fragment of the whole... Ramble ramble. :j

  9. It's amazing how high people can jump, seeming to defy gravity. The best dancers make it look effortless.

  10. I agree...
    Perhaps that's a key component to grace?
