Saturday, May 22, 2010

Photos - Elena Kalis: Underwater photography

This lady has made a big splash online with her underwater photography. So if you haven't discovered her yet, check out her website that is replete with her creations. Some of her pictures really convey a sense of other-worldliness and grace to me. Here are three that caught my fancy:

Well, I'll be back in ten days. I just wanted to leave this blog on a note of beauty.
Take care everyone, thanks for reading.


  1. These are so freakin cool! Enjoy your time away- you'll be missed!

  2. Oh my goodness that last photo is breathtaking. Stunning ... just WOW.

    Have a great ten days off! xx

  3. Wow, those photos are amazing. Love them all. Enjoy your ten days off.:)

  4. I love the flip on the last one. Standing it up changes it so much... Thanks for sharing! :)

  5. A really great artist I interviewed last month on my blog (in french and in english)

  6. Creepy, Allomo, Lindsay: It was sweet of you to virtually "see me off"! Thanks. : D
    I'm glad you all enjoyed the pictures!

    Heidi, Jessica: Yeah, the flip on the last one does create an incredible effect, doesn't it! : j

    Photoscope: Salut photoscope !
    Waouh, super intéressant ton blog !
    Et tu as un bon nombre de photographes interviewés !
    Comment procèdes-tu pour les contacter ?
    Je vais avoir le plaisir de découvrir de nouveaux photographes à travers ton blog, merci ! : j

  7. @Alesa : Merci pour le compliment. Pour les contacter, c'est pas bien compliqué, un mail, un message sur fb ...

  8. What amazing photographs! Thank you so much for sharing.

  9. These are amazing. My daughter would love to be the girl riding the dolphin. Ever since she was a baby, she's loved the water and sea creatures. The aquarium is still one of her favorite places to go. She may be part mermaid.

  10. She who dreams of water knows the songs of the nereids as they swim.

    My significant other is like your daughter... Grew up on the beach or in the water, and misses it when separated from it for too long.

    It's interesting how some people hear "ulmo's horns" so clearly and others not.
